TF2 #0162 from 1988
This TF2 Kettler Mandolin, #0162, was made in 1988. Mark Woodworth has owned the instrument since then.
According to Woodworth, “I was working my first job as a music teacher in rural Alaska. I got my first paycheck and called up Elderly Instruments from the only pay phone in the village (pre cell phones). They were playing mandolins over the phone for me and recommended the Kettler. I bought it and it made it to Crooked Creek, Alaska by mail plane 3 days later. I've had it ever since. Great mandolin!!”
Woodworth sent a few photos of the mandolin, as well as a picture of Crooked Creek. He left Alaska in 1999, bringing the Kettler mandolin with him. He now lives in Washington State.
He added, “The Kettler and a Martin guitar are the two instruments chosen by my kids to stay in the family after I pass on.”
Thanks for the history and the pictures, Mark.